Descendant of the Blood Moon
Descendant Of The Blood Moon
Author: N.A.Abdelaziz
Series: Descendants Of Beasts
Book: Two
Note that: This could be read as a stand alone novel
“The most fascinating stories
always start with a good book„
Prologue Part One
Little Maddy held her vampire story in her tiny arms and squeezed it to her chest.
Tonight, she was finally six years old!
She was old enough to search for her vampire mate just like the one in her story!
All she needs, is to go into the woods and find him. There, easy!
She could never tell her mother that thought. Her mother always warned her to stay away from the woods.
But how could she find her vampire mate without going into the woods? She can’t just wait for him to find her or meet her by accident!
That would take years.
That’s a lot of time.
Little Maddy put her story in her backpack, a bottle of water in case she got thirsty and some chocolate cookies that she sneaked from the jar her mother hid in the kitchen.
She hoped her mate loves chocolate cookies, too!
Maddy put her ear to her parent’s door to make sure they were both snoring before running quickly to the kitchen’s door and crawling from the dog’s door.
Good thing she distracted her parents enough to make them forget about closing it.
Little Maddy ran as quick as her legs could carry her into the woods oblivious to the eyes watching her from the dark.
Little Maddy was officially lost!
Her legs hurt, her knee was bleeding after falling and now there was mud all over her clothes.
If her mother discovered that, she would surely ground her for life, like she has always threatened.
What to do?!
Feeling so helpless for the first time, the tears she tried so hard to hold back, dropped one after the other.
Where was her Prince Charming? Why wasn’t he saving her like her story?
Could he really be just a fake fairy tale like her father said? But her mother told her not to listen to that nonsense, that when she grows older, she will definitely find him!
Now that she was old enough and in trouble...where was he?
Looks, like he was unreliable...
But maybe…just maybe he could be just busy.
"Little girl, what are you doing here? Didn’t your parents tell you it’s dangerous to walk into the woods at night where the evil lurks around?"
Maddy raised her head, it was a boy a little older than her, sitting on a tree branch. Ten maybe? Eleven? He had pointed ears and fair blond hair.
"Then why are you here? Didn’t your parents teach you it’s dangerous in woods at night? " Maddy mimicked him in a high-pitched voice, whipping away her tears.
The boy chuckled. "Aren’t you just perfect for him? So mischievous!" He rested his back against the tree trunk. "So, did you lose your dog and came looking for it? Because let me tell you, the monster probably ate it as a snack and will eat you too if you don’t go home." His voice carried a clear warning.
"My dog is sleeping at home and I’m on a mission! Plus, monsters aren’t real."
And Prince Charming is? He wanted to ask but didn’t dare to. "Monsters don’t have to be bloodthirsty big wolves you know, drug dealers and gang leaders are called monsters too."
"What are those?" Maddy asked curiously walking a little closer to him.
The boy sighed shaking his head. "Sometimes I forget how innocent human children are." He murmured. "By the way kid, you’re bleeding."
Maddy looked at her knees and nodded. "I know." She turned to him. "Do you have a tissue?"
The boy cracked a smile. Maddy thought he looked less scary like that.
"You should smile more often." She commented innocently.
A small blush took over his face. "Uh, whatever. So, anyways I know a place where you could find tissues."
"Really? Can you take me there? Do you think they have a phone? I think I need to call my mommy."
"Yeah sure." The boy jumped down and landed gracefully on his legs like a cat. "Let me take you there."
"Oh, okay." Maddy tried to catch up with him quickly, but his legs were so tall! "So, why are you in the woods? Are you on a mission too?"
The boy chuckled again and glanced at his little mission that was trying to keep up with him. "Yes, something like that. "
"Are you a fairy? You have pointed ears like in Tinkerbell’s story! But you’re huge?"
"Hmm, what would you do if I’m a fairy? "
"I-uh, I don’t know, but...I guess we could be friends! "
"Friends?" The boy asked in a weird tone.
"Yep, mommy said I need to make lots of friends, but I got to like them first! And I like you, so let’s be friends."
"I’m not sure if you will still consider me as friend after what I will do little girl." He whispered softly, ignoring her mumbling before getting out of the woods into a clearing with her.
"Wow! Is that a castle?!" Little Maddy asked in wonder taking several steps forward. "But the one in my book looks bigger." Maddy rummaged in her backpack and got out her story. "Look! Here! By the way, I forgot to ask for your name! Mine is Maddy and yours?"
Maddy spun around but the boy with pointed ears was nowhere in sight.
"Mr. Fairy?"
Prologue Part Two
Her throat hurt, she has been shouting for the boy to come back for a while now. It hurt so much that she truly started to think, he was just a fragment of her imagination.
Or maybe he just never wanted to be her friend? After all he didn’t answer her question. Did he not like her?
What was the other word...Hate! Did he hate her?
Suddenly, all she wanted was to go back home and lie in her mother’s embrace.
Her mission was a huge failure, she didn’t feel like finding that so called prince charming anymore.
Little Maddy climbed the old stairs then held the metal handle and knocked with it like she usually does when she goes to her grandma’s old house.
The door partly opened but no light could be seen.
So, no one was home?
Maddy shrugged then gave her back to the wooden door and was about to climb down the stairs again when she saw a pair of red eyes staring at her.
She slowly turned around and calmly got into the castle, closing the door behind her, to be a prisoner of darkness.
Maybe she could find a phone to call her mother.
She assured herself.
Everything is going to be fine!
Nothing was fine!
She searched for her little battery, but unfortunately it was broken, probably from her fall.
What to do now?!
She could see pits and pieces from the shining moon light, but nothing else.
Should she search for a phone in one of the rooms? But what if there were monsters there?
She was never afraid of the dark, she usually loved stargazing with her father.
Perhaps she should just watch them and search for the phone in the morning.
That way, the night monsters can’t get her anymore.
Little Maddy nodded her head at the brilliant idea. That’s why she was always on top of her class!
She was about to drag a chair towards the window when a sound of a loud bang against the door made her jump out of her skin.
Loud growls, hisses and shouts was heard then a whimper and the door opened with a bang!
Little Maddy was truly terrified for the first time in her life, she felt like she has truly made the worst decision ever.
She hid behind a curtain and watched as a young man got in clutching his side.
"And don’t ever come back to my territory again!" The man hissed loudly exposing a pair of fangs before slamming the door closed with a loud bang.
Maddy literally jumped in fright.
Wait, a pair of fangs?
Is that a vampire?
Then why isn’t he as friendly as the one in her story?
She peaked curiously behind the curtains, he threw himself against an expensive sofa and moaned loudly in pain holding his side.
Was that...blood?
He was hurt!
Somehow, her heart hurt to see him in pain. She was used to taking care of her little brother and she promised in the camp she went last year, to help whoever was in need but...
Is he a bad guy or not?
The guy couched several times, blood seeping through his lips.
Well, he was probably too hurt to do anything to her anyways.
But just for safety measures, she sneaked a silver dinner knife from a nearby table before walking cautiously towards him.
"Mr. Vampire, do you need any help?" Little Maddy asked softly trying not to startle him.
The vampire whipped his head so fast towards her that Maddy was surprised he didn’t break his neck.
"Who are you? W-what are you d-oing here little kid?" The Vampire couched several times.
"Do you have a first aid kit? I can help you! I learned first aid last summer in my camp."
The vampire couldn’t believe what the heck was that kid doing in his abandoned palace, but right now he needed blood and she needs to stay as far as she can, so he wouldn’t suck her dry.
But he couldn’t kick her out, damn it! The rouges were still out, and they would probably snack on her or worst!
He shuddered at the thought.
"Um, Mr. Vampire?"
Right, she was still here. What did she say again? First aid kit? It was a good excuse to keep her away till he searches for a bag of blood.
"You will find it u-upstairs in the big bathroom in the c-cabin."
"Don’t worry Mr. Vampire! I’ll come back quickly!"
He watched as the kid ran upstairs before dragging himself to the kitchen and opening the fridge almost falling face first from the effort.
Fighting savage mutts for hours would take a toll on you.
He ripped open a bag of blood and sank his teeth right into it.
The blood tasted like shit having been kept for a long time, but it still helped. At least it kept his blood lust in check. He drunk two more before collapsing against the little fridge.
Feeling drowsy, all he wanted to do was just sleep, maybe if he just closed his eyes for a few seconds…
"Uh, Mr. Vampire?" Little Maddy gulped at the sight. "I g-got you the k-kit."
His eyes flew open. Damn, he forgot about the kid.
And she was a human.
Fan-fucking-tastic! Just what he needs.
A moving bag of blood.
Well, a cute moving bag of blood.
Maddy swallowed her saliva before taking a step forward, she had to help him as she promised the Scott. Another step because she wanted to be a doctor one day. Another step because she couldn’t just let him die on her watch!
Maddy got out a bottle of water and poured some onto a piece of cotton before wiping his hand.
The vampire watched her silently as she treated his wounds childishly, looking at him every time she sprayed medical alcohol, to see if it hurt him and clumsily wrapping some bandages around his arm.
He let her treat his wounds until she finally reached his face.
It was the first time they looked at each other eye to eye.
Prologue Part Three
The first thing Maddy noticed, was that despite the blood covering most of his face.
He was really cute.
Cuter than the fairy boy she met and that he was younger than she originally thought, probably eighteen or nineteen.
Maddy blushed as she wiped his cheeks, she has been really careful not to touch his skin because it was all bloody, he helped her by lifting his arms around, as she bandaged them. So, when she accidentally touched his cheek with her trembling hand.
Her world exploded.
The vampire’s heart beat wildly against his chest that it became hard to breath, staring down at the human child.
A Kid!
He reminded himself.
Just a kid who affected him in those few seconds, when their eyes met, more than any other girl in his nineteen years of living.
He has always avoided girls at all costs, not needing drama when he finally meets his mate.
Could that child be her?
But she was so young it just couldn’t be. He shifted around unconsciously trying to study the little girl better when her hand brushed against his cheek and sparks exploded.
He gasped.
Shit, she really was his mate!
Maddy couldn’t believe she accomplished her mission.
She actually found her mate!
Her emotions were getting the best of her. She was happy she finally met him, sad she didn’t recognize him earlier, mad that he almost died and...
Tears ran down her cheeks and sobs wrecked her body.
Just moments ago, she was going to lose him to the monsters of the night.
He started panicking as he watched the different display of emotions across her face until she suddenly started crying.
Did he do something? Did the sparks hurt her? Was she sad that he was her mate?
The last thought, caused him an unbearable amount of pain.
"Sweetheart, what’s wrong?" He asked her softly, wiping her tears with the tips of his fingers.
"Y-you were about to d-die!" She hiccupped before wiping her nose with the back of her sleeves. "I’m just h-happy you’re ok-kay."
Relief seeped to his bones, making tension leave his muscle. He couldn’t resist hugging her and resting his head on hers.
All he could feel for her right now was brotherly love, but he knew she the one for him no doubt. He just needed to be patient for a few years till she grows up so he could truly claim her.
"Sweetie, don’t worry I’m alright. You saved me!"
"I-I did?" Maddy whipped her eyes.
"Can’t you see? I’m healing already because of your caring."
"Oh." Maddy yawned loudly as her eyes started to drop, the events have finally left her exhausted, but she didn’t want to repeat the same mistake of the fairy boy. "By the way, what’s your name?"
"It’s Xavier and yours?"
"Madeline, but you can call me Maddy, after all you’re my mate." Maddy whispered before closing her eyes as drowsiness got a hold of her.
"Maddy." Xavier whispered in her ear.
"When you wake up all of this will be just a dream." His eyes flashed. "And you won’t be able to find me until your twenty first birthday."
"Hmm. " She mumbled before she fell into the arms of darkness.
Now all he needs his sister’s help to get her back home, even if it his hurts every fiber of his being to let her go.
But he couldn’t just rob her out of her childhood and her most beautiful years.
He wasn’t that kind of monster.
"Did you change her clothes?" Xavier asked his sister who jumped out of the window of Maddy’s bedroom.
"And whipped all traces of blood?"
Selena-Xavier’s older sister-threw Maddy’s bloodied clothes in his face as she climbed into the car.
"And bandaged her bleeding knee. Don’t worry bro, I took good care of her. " She smiled softly. "I’m proud of you, you know."
"Because I ask
ed you to change her clothes instead of me? I just couldn’t take advantage of her like that. Even if she is my mate. We’re not married yet."
"That and because you actually used your brain."
"Ha, ha, so funny, see how hard I’m laughing? " He asked with a stoic face.
Selena giggled. "I never thought I would see the day you would be whipped. It’s so cute. The ice prince finally met his firecracker!"
Xavier smiled. "My mate is so brave. Even though I still don’t understand how she found the castle, but whatever the cause, I’m still grateful."
"Will you tell our parents?"
"Not yet." Xavier shook his head. "But I’ll always keep an eye on her, she’ll just never know it."
Little Maddy couldn’t believe what a crazy dream she had last night!
She walked to the bathroom, her knee was stinging.
Wait, why was it bandaged?
She frowned before going back to her bedroom.
Everything was in place even her story was on the desk, but why was it opened?
Maddy looked at the page to find a single sentence highlighted.
It wasn’t a dream.
Chapter One
Madeline screamed in frustration and banged her head against the steering wheel.
She couldn’t believe her luck!
Her car broke down literally in the middle of nowhere.
The only time she decided to take a short cut through the woods, to go home early because of the so called blind date her mother decided to surprise her with, out of the blue, ended up like this!
She already had a bad feeling about the blind date, and now she was sure -whoever he is- was praying she wouldn’t come.
Great! Just great!
Exactly what she needs!
No food or water. No signal. Phone almost dead. Being in the middle of nowhere alone.
She should probably cross getting lost in the freaky woods off her bucket list.
What a great was to start her break.
Madeline got out of her car carrying her backpack and slammed the door shut, not bothering to check what was wrong with the car.